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I'm happy, married, and looking forward to sharing my world with you! If you're interested, that is!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

We've Almost Broken a Snow Record...

The view of the Hudson River from my office window, yesterday, during the morning snow "shower"
I tried to get a close-up of the ice in the Hudson
Another view of the snow shower that dropped about 2-3" on Hoboken, BEFORE the actual storm that was scheduled to dump 5-8" 6-12" 9-15" of snow on us in the evening
Here's what it looked like out my front door this morning - we got well over the 15" that was the high of the prediction.  Jack went outside to shovel a little over 7am, and at 9:30 he had 1/2 the driveway and his car shoveled out, the front steps, and our sidewalk and driveway apron.  He left to go to Mrs. D's house, and to my mom's.  I called Mom and asked her to just hand him a cup of soup or a chicken leg or something when he eventually gets there 'cause all he ate today is a banana.  A banana.  ONE banana.  He wouldn't even come in and have a bowl of oatmeal or cold cereal before he left, or pack a cheese sandwich.  When he was leaving he said, "See you around 3 o'clock."
This is the view looking down the street (the one above was looking up the street).  The sun is out which makes it LOOK beautiful, but J said the snow is REALLY heavy.  He's not 30 anymore - I'm a little worried, but he's in good health...
 Here's the view looking at the front windshield of my car, and my neighbor's yard.

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