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I'm happy, married, and looking forward to sharing my world with you! If you're interested, that is!

Sunday, February 06, 2011

R.I.P., Kazia

P had to put her beautiful Kazia to sleep yesterday.  She has been suffering these past two months from spontaneous pneumothoraces, so bad that she couldn't sit, sleep, was coughing, panting, losing air into her body cavity from her lungs - basically bulla on the surfaces of her lungs would burst and leak air into her chest cavity.  So she would be panting and panting and not able to get enough air.

Kazia brought P such joy in her 10 years (she just turned 10 on January 26th) and my heart is broken.  How I wish I'd been able to be there, with P for this awful time, but also to love Kazia just a little bit more before it was her time.  She just didn't deserve to suffer, not after the loving and wonderful life she shared with P.

I know this is one of the hardest things that P has ever had to do, and I ask you to send some healing thoughts her way.  Thank you.

We'll miss you Kazia!


I Jumped Off the Edge said...

What an absolutely beautiful baby! As a person who has recently joined the ranks of dogs lovers..I can imagine the pain and sorrow of such a loss. Thought and prayers.

Miss Hope said...

Holy smokes.....that kid of mine has got to learn to sign out so I don't keep doing this! Sorry, Miss Krys