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I'm happy, married, and looking forward to sharing my world with you! If you're interested, that is!

Friday, December 31, 2010

Photos from 2010

Love the different shades of blonde in my hair...

We got a flat RIGHT at the intersection of 80E and 46E.  A stranger was nice enough to stop and help J.

C, the neighbor who's determined to teach me Hebrew!  During the summer, he and the little girls who live next door are waiting for me to get home from work to teach me a new word!

The hallway at work, leading from my side of the building to the opposite side - conference rooms on the left.

An iris from Presby Memorial Iris Gardens.

Love the lighting in this photo!

Trying a little something diffferent with the camera focus...

She was only three hours old and they let me hold her!

J and I took Mom with us for our anniversary dinner!

A field of sunflowers in Sparta, all destined for birdfeed!

Posted this photo before, but I just can't believe I took THIS photo in OUR town!

The strip canoe J is building, and he's LOVING this project!

A photo of Mom at a party at C's new house.  Love the laughter on her face!

Is that what they call a front?!? (LOL)

Part of the Shades of Summer project!  These sunglasses were mailed to me, I took a photo of myself in them and emailed it to the woman running the project, and then I mailed them on to the next participant!  Those sunglasses traveled all over the US!

One of four weekends I spent frying the eggplant J grew in our backyard.  It was SO smooth and full of flavor!

A pink sky on the way home from work...

We saw the boat on the Hudson on the way home one day - the photo doesn't do the lighting justice, but it makes me remember just how the light hit the side of the boat...

Took this photo from my office window..

This is maybe one of my top 5 photos of J - took this in AC this past November.

AC in November.

The wall in our hotel hallway...
The world's ugliest sofa, finally out of my living room and out for trash pickup!

My 50th  - I think it deserved a toast, don't you!?!?

THE Coca-Cola Santa truck, in the Acme parking lot.

This was a blurry photo of S and M, but I applied a "glow" in photo editing and it looks like it's supposed to be that way! 

Flooding in North Jersey last spring/summer...

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