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I'm happy, married, and looking forward to sharing my world with you! If you're interested, that is!

Monday, October 08, 2007

There's a light at the end of this construction tunnel!

Insulation - done.
Propane tanks - installed.
Fireplace - being installed Wednesday.
Insulation inspection - hopefully Wednesday; if not, Friday.
Pocket Doors - hopefully being installed this weekend.
Basement door - ditto.
SheetRock - first week of November.

If these things go as planned, we can turn the heat on after that, install the floors, install tile and fixtures in the bathroom, paint the walls, install lights, and start moving into the space.

Imagine - actually using the space to live in, having it almost finished...

The mind boggles at the thought...

1 comment:

Miss Hope said...

Have you started decorating for the holidays in your mind's eye in the new space?

Just can't wait to see some pictures!!!