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Friday, April 27, 2007

Rain, rain, go away, come again some other day! [NOT!!!]

The first 5 pictures are from my neighbor's house. The DPW said her house was the worst they saw in our town. The next three pictures are from my girlfriend MAR's house, from the flood two weeks ago. Keep in mind there is still water in her basement; it was as high as the first floor at one point! The photo showing her garage door... she sent me one of the inside of her garage, as well. Obviously the water was as high inside as outside, and her basement was filled to the ceiling. I feel so bad for her.

When I woke up this morning, DH asked me if I'd heard the rain and thunder and lightning last night. ?????!!!!!????? I didn't hear a thing! Which is good --- and bad. I guess I could sleep through, well, a flood... I'm almost afraid to go home; we had some water in our basement this morning, but had to leave for work. I wonder what will be there when we get home...
I have to run... it's time to go meet DH at school - I hope he can pick me up; it's still raining!

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