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Saturday, September 15, 2012

Found at Lafayette Village antique store

So many treasures, not enough money!

Beautiful wooden drawers
Old Kodak camera
Black and white painted cement floor
More doors
Remember shoe stretchers? (Betcha $5 there's a set in Mom's closet!)
Loved this cabinet but it was full of mold spores in the drawers
Rotary phone, anyone? Party line? Pilgrim 3-7407...

1 comment:

Karen Russell said...

I want those antique doors!!!

I didn't know how to contact you, but from the course description for 1000 Words, it specifically mentions taking photos with iPhones. You may want to contact them directly if you have more questions (I'm just a contributor so I don't have all the answers unfortunately!) but I'm thinking this is a class that you could take with any kind of camera and still get a big benefit from it.