Thursday, June 30, 2011

Project Life

I'm doing Becky Higgins' Project Life this year.  I bought last year's binder package when it went on sale on Amazon for, if I remember correctly, $30 or $40.  I've bought some different divided page protectors so that I could include multiple sizes, additional photos, etc.

Here are some photos, from Week 1 on...  I'm not including spreads for each week, and some might be more overview and others might be close up...

A list of scrapping classes I'm taking in 2011

When I have to go back and fill something in, I just insert a Post-It with a scribbled note.  If I don't go back and finish the page, the memories are still there, sparked by that little note...

I took a photo of my favorite soda while food shopping in Shop Rite.

Mom came home from AZ so I took some photos in the train station while I was waiting for her.

I bought myself a necklace from Lisa Leonard.  It included my 2011 word:  FOCUS.

Aunt Fanny died.  Nothing more to say.  RIP, Aunt Fanny!  We miss you!

Kat brought us all a candy snack from Japan so I saved the label!

Love you and miss you, Kazia!

Paying bills - I could post a picture like this twice a month, but I won't...  That would be cheating...  and really boring!

I'll post a few more photos another time - My friend E is coming up on Saturday to do some scrapping.  I've almost got her converted, to a small degree.  She joined me at the Rockaway crop earlier in June and made herself a mini-book.  And LOVED it!  She loved the process, the end result!  Everything!  Yay!  Someone else to scrap with!  (Yea, I know, don't end a sentence with a preposition...)


  1. I've said it before and I'll say it again...YOU DO NICE WORK!!

  2. Oh, glad to see E is joining it. It's always nice to have someone to talk about your hobby with. Mom and I talk about crochet patterns and yarn a lot, way more than we should, probably.

    No photos of the house disaster Mom told me about?
